Monday, February 6, 2012

32 Weeks!

Just had my 32 week appointment. Emma Clare is still doing great! Heartbeat 150 and I'm still measuring 1 week ahead (33 week). Dr. Hull let me know that she won't let me go any longer than 41 weeks, so Emma Clare will be here in less than 9 weeks Yikes!

Good thing we are now super prepared...I mean we did spend 8 hours this Saturday at our prepared childbirth class. Chris left feeling much better, I left pretty much scared to go into labor. I take that back, I am scared of being IN labor for 35 hours. Because that is what they talk about and show you. Good thing my labor will last no more than 6 hours, my baby will sleep through the night and never cry. Right? RIGHT! It was great to see where we would be delivering as well as going over some relaxation and breathing techniques. And Chris had to give me 20 min massage. BLISS! Oh, and I guess we are already bad parents because we have not been reading to our child OR listening to classical music. We do play her music...but it has not been classical. More so Michael Jackson...for those of you who know Chris...

We also were blessed to get 7 HUGE bags and 1 LARGE container of baby clothes this weekend from our friends Dan and Ali. I have a lot of sorting to do! But I think we are now set on clothes until Emma Clare turns 2. YAY!!

In other news, I'm feeling great pregnancy wise. Can still see my feet (may be due to the fact I have really big feet...) and can get around just fine. I do have an awful cold, but I think it is coming to an end. I must say I'm ready to be able to take cold medicine when sick! But if that is my biggest compliant, I guess we're doing ok!


  1. I wish you an "I didn't know I was pregnant" style delivery! Minus the truck stop, or other obscene birthing location, of course. :)

  2. Labor will not be that bad! Mine was horrible -- 18 hours -- and I'm ready to do it again. I promise, it will be fine! You'll be so excited to meet her that you won't even care! I actually look back at mine and I think that it was kinda fun! :D


Happy Mother's Day!  Fun weekend (except for all the rain on Saturday!). Em had her choir concert, got manis/pedis with grandma and Em, ...