Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Don't judge my parenting...

While I did attempt to say no, if you can't beat 'em join 'em. Tried to make it as safe as possible with the large pillow, that works right?

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Pink Eye?!

Are you serious? We are going on week 3 of illness-now the little chicken has pink eye! Ug, oh well still in good spirits (just doesn't sleep...) and I got to spend some extra time with my little girl!

But, in good, super great, cannot be topped news-Chris got a new job! He is now the Math Director/teacher for Canton Country Day School. It is an amazing school that really matches his teaching philosophy and style. And a great opportunity to "ease" his way in to some administrative work. So excited for him (and our family-EC will get to go there for FREE starting in preschool). I'm sure we'll have lots more updates as the year gets started.

Ok, enjoy the pic!

Daddy and EC on the train!

Nothing better! Look at that smile!
hehe funny kids!

One tuckered little girl!! 

Monday, August 18, 2014

Poor EC. She's had a cold and cough for a little over a week now. She started pulling on her ear, went to the doc and found out she had strep. Another round of antibiotics in our house! The good news is she is in fairly good spirits. We did have to keep her home on Thursday and Friday-loved my extra time with my girl! (but work is super busy-so had to go in a few times this weekend to catch up!). Not sure if it is being sick, or just at a rough age, but ECs sleeping patterns are pretty awful right now. Hoping once she gets better, we get back on track. But, eh, who needs sleep?
A little outdoor time with Grandma!
Noodle soup, good for the soul!
Who needs a spoon? 

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Living With a 2 year old!

Oh, Emma Clare how we love you. Em has days that she is as sweet as pie and then days where she shows her terrible twos. I like the sweet days better...
She has a lot of energy on all days-there is no doubt about that!

Driving with Uncle Adam!

I asked Em to put her panties on so we could go outside---this is what I got...

Sometimes you just gotta crash! (PS she slept like this for about 2 hours including the time that our new bed was delivered through the front door right next to her...)

Friday, August 8, 2014

Slow Down Summer!

Can anyone else believe how quickly this summer is going. Long story short, work is crazy busy and Em has been wonderfully cute but sick with a cough earlier this week and pretty much refusing to sleep for the last like 3 weeks. Run on sentence? Yeah, well that pretty much sums up life right now! Going to try to take this weekend to chill and relax. Only a few more summer weekends!! Enjoy pics of the super cutie EC! She does just melt my heart!
Hair dye!
Goofball! Her new phase "let me take a selfie". Yikes...

A weekend of Jordan! Celebrating the little guy turning 8!! Can't believe it!