Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Emma Clare was a little unsure about rice cereal, but once she got the hang of it she seemed to like it! Dad tried it, said it tasted like cardboard and wanted to spice it up with some parmesan cheese or salt and pepper. I told him we'd have to wait on that.

A few stats: So our "little one's" four month stats- 17.8 pounds and 26 inches long. Over 97% in both! So maybe not so little! She is still in 3-6 month clothes. She rolled over from front to back for the first time (but only once and has not done it again). She is blowing raspberries like crazy and loves to SCREAM (not a mad scream, just I'm here and I'm loud).

The doctor also told us it is time to break EC of the swaddle. This is not good news. She loves to be swaddled, and mom and dad love it because she sleeps 10 hours most nights. We were told it is time to start letting her cry it out and self sooth...I'm not so sure about this either. The doctor said it will take 2 weeks to change her sleeping habits, so I guess that will mean two weeks of no sleep for mom and dad. We have not tried yet...I'll keep you updated!

Oh, and in non Emma Clare related news, Chris and I had the worst weekend! During the weekend our one car got stolen, the other broken into and I got food poisoning (so did Chris' mom who was visiting). We had some bad Karma...hopefully that means good things on the horizon. We still have a road ahead dealing with all of this, but we know we are very blessed that we are all safe.

We'll end on a happy note. We have the cutest baby ever! Just love that chubby girl!

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