Thursday, October 20, 2011

It's A Girl!

YAY!! Last night, Chris was talking to my belly, explaining to the baby that she better cooperate so that we can find out the sex. He also told her that she better be a girl! Good thing he was right!! We couldn't be happier. She is looking healthy, heart rate at 158, and both the nurse and ultrasound tech said that she had a great and strong heartbeat. She's measuring at 16 weeks 6 days (so a couple days ahead!) I am also healthy, little weight gain yet and everything else also looked good. The little worm was wiggling all around and waiving! We are so in love! Now we have to start talking names...we were so set on Cullen Mullen...


  1. congrats kerry and chris!!! a little baby girl, how wonderful :) she will be a little princess! glad everything looks great on ultrasound! ps- jill told me about your blog, ive enjoyed following so far! :)

  2. Thanks Casey! We are so excited! The end of March still seems so far away, but I'm sure it'll come faster than we know it!

    Hope all is well with you and your family! :)

  3. OOoooooh! It's a girl!!! Let the pink shopping begin! I can't wait to meet her! Name picking is SO much fun!


Keep busy! Soccer games, Jordan's birthday party, fundraisers, build a bear, playgrounds. This time of year seems to be the busiest with...