Thursday, September 15, 2011

Happy School Year!

Chris and I have both officially have students back. While excited, this also means they bring all of their germs! Chris and I have both had colds for about a week. Luckily he can actually take medicine, I cannot. Boo. So after suffering for a week I finally went to the doctor, and was pretty much told I can take Tylenol. Wahoo! I did get to see the baby though and hear the heartbeat! They tried to get the heartbeat with the Doppler (but couldn't, I guess it's still a little early) so they sent me to ultrasound. Little Cullen was moving around like crazy and had a strong heartbeat of 170. I'll post the ultrasound pick soon, but its pretty blurry. However, the baby has grown like CRAZY!

In other news,, my morning sickness has pretty much gone away (knock on wood, lots and lots of wood) and has been replaced with extreme hunger. I'll take it! So all in all things are going well!

1 comment:

  1. Cullen is the size of a lime! Oh, my, gosh! How did that happen so fast?! And yay for getting your appetite back!!! Suggestion for your next post: weirdest food cravings. I wanna preview of how crazy awesome this kid is gonna be. :)


Keep busy! Soccer games, Jordan's birthday party, fundraisers, build a bear, playgrounds. This time of year seems to be the busiest with...