Monday, March 10, 2014

Almost 2?!

How is it that our sweet little baby is almost 2 years old? I do love this age though! Emma Clare is just too funny for words. She most certainty has an opinion, pretty much about anything. She lets you know what she thinks and what she wants. I guess these are good skills to have in order to be a strong female...this is what I'm going to keep telling myself at least. Some of her favorite phrases right now "No, I do it", "Don't touch it", "That's enough", "Want to play with me?" "I watch Tiger?"(Daniel the Tiger-her all time favorite TV show). I'm always amazed by the things she knows. I was cutting out shapes for her (circles, squares and triangles) and she was sorting them in the the appropriate piles this weekend and telling me what shapes I was handing her. It's crazy to me that she can do that (I'm sure this seems minor to others...). She is also able to count to 20 (1-12 very well, then sometimes 12-20...) and knows her ABCs. She is able to identify most pictures we show her and will repeat pretty much anything (Nana' learned this the hard way when she called Barbie a Ho...then asked EC what Barbie was and she responded, a Ho). She really struggles with colors-pretty much everything is yellow or green with a blue thrown in there and there. Alright enough bragging about my beautiful, smart girlie!

This weekend we had a great, chill weekend at home. EC had a play date with Elise (her BFF) and is finally starting to learn how to share-at least a little better. There was a point when Elise was crawling that EC wanted to ride her like a "horsy" and was very confused when I told here that this was not a good idea. She also slept without her zippy for the first time through the night Saturday and Sunday. So now we just have to break the other bad bedtime habits-paci and bottle. All in good time my friends...

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