Thursday, March 21, 2013

Sappy, sappy, sappy

Sappy post alert. If you're not intrested, just move on right now! No hard feelings!

I saw this quote the other day, and it just stuck with me. It is just so true to how I feel right now! Emma Clare has been with us for almost a year, and I cannot imagine what my life was like before her! Every day I feel like my heart just aches for that little girl! I wish every day would be a little longer (the storyof a working mom I guess-it makes me so sad that I don't get to see her for than a couple of hours each day). And yes, there are times that I wish I'd get a solid 8 (heck, 6?) hours a sleep, and yes, money is tighter, I also have never been this happy. Emma Clare has made me happy, just happy. And although life can be more stressful now, she calms me down. Because at the end of the day, all that matters is that that little girl smiles and goes to bed each night knowing that she is loved.

I'm not one of those moms that wants my baby to stay a baby forever-I'm enjoying the jorney and what each day brings! So grow up, you little bugger! But know, that you always be my baby.

Ok, ok done being sappy! I'm allowed to once year year, right? :)

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