Monday, March 18, 2013

Bye Bye Dada!

 Going on a walk with Nana!
Toy store with Dada! (can you believe that he didn't buy her anything?! Not that she needs any more toys...but I can never resist...)

Chris has left again and headed back to Savannah one last time! It was so great to have him here this week! We had a great week! Chris received multiple job offers from his interviews (way to go!) and we had lots of quality family time. Things are really starting to come together. I had to work all week, so I was sad I didn't get more time with everyone, but daddy and EC bonded! Can't wait to be back together in just a few months!

EC is growing up way to fast! Not only has she recently taken her first steps, but she's reached a few other milestones! She can climb up the stairs (VERY FAST), blows kisses, waives good-bye, gives hugs and kisses, points and says the following words (and knows what the mean...): mama, dada, nana, baba(bottle), bebe(baby) duog (dog), bye bye. Only recently has she been saying these words and actually meaning them. This morning she was crawling in her nursery and saw the diaper box and pointed and said bebe, bebe (about the baby on the box). So cute. She also is starting to show her toddler side...when something is taken away (due to not being safe) or she is moved (due to not being putting electrical codes in her mouth) she throws a little fit. Not cute EC, not cute. But she recovers quickly with a new distraction. We don't want any brats!

I wills say, each day I'm more and more in love!!

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