Tuesday, March 27, 2012

39 Weeks!

Did you see my countdown? 4 DAYS! Did you hear that Emma Clare, YOU HAVE 4 DAYS!

I had my doctor's appointment yesterday. Emma Clare is still doing very well. Heart rate is in the 140s and the doctor THINKS she flipped back the correct way...we'll see. My BP was good, and I didn't gain any weight this week (so I celebrated with a vanilla milkshake, woot!). I'm still about the same in terms of dilation, but now I'm 50% effaced and she has dropped a bit more. So a little bit of progress has been made. But, our little girl does have an eviction date-April 2nd I'll be going in to get induced. I've continued to measure a week ahead, pretty much the whole pregnancy (there was a point of 2 weeks ahead) so Dr. Hull is ready for her to come...oh wait and so are we! So, I go into the hospital on Sunday night to being the process of induction, and we should have a wonderful, healthy, baby girl by Monday. Prayers are welcomed! I'm still hoping she'll come on her own before then, but if not at least we know in a WEEK our baby girl will be here! YAY!

I also asked the doctor if Emma Clare was going to be 10 pounds...she looked at me, laughed and said we'd be having a very different conversation if she was going to be that big. She is guessing a "healthy" 7.5-8 pounds. We'll see!

So, now we are just in the final stretches of a waiting game! Happy Tuesday! :)


  1. Yay! I'm glad to hear she's moving on down the shoot! I am also glad to hear that you won't have a ten pounder on your hands! Keeping my fingers crossed for a Saturday baby! ;) Lots of love and prayers to you and Chris! :) You'll do fine, but I know how Chris used to cringe at the labor talk! haha :)

  2. Here she comes! I hope you're ready to pass a watermelon! But that seems miles easier than a 10 pound bowling ball :) You can do it!! Good luck!!!

    1. haha, agreed. And it is a small watermelon right?? :)

    2. I can't help but comment on this: when I think of having a baby, I always think back to Kerry saying, "It's like sneezing an orange!" Just a little food for thought as you head into labor ;P

    3. Haha. And I still believe that!! :)

  3. Well you can't blame Emma Clare for being fashionably late to the party...even if she is driving you crazy! Good luck!


Keep busy! Soccer games, Jordan's birthday party, fundraisers, build a bear, playgrounds. This time of year seems to be the busiest with...