Monday, September 19, 2016

Our big news for the week is Jordan had a great appointment at the neurosurgeon/neurologist. His MRI looked good and he seems to be hitting all of his milestones. The neurosurgeon team seemed confident that we are out of the woods for surgery, but wants to see him in 2 months and then if all goes well we likely won't have to see them again until he turns a year old. The neurologist said he seemed very engaged and had great strength. He is hopeful, but said we will not know long term effects of the brain bleed until Jordan gets closer to 2, but all signs are good for now. Huge relief! Oh, and Jords is 12lbs 11oz and 22.5 inches. Growing strong! Other than that, the kiddos are doing well and we are getting in the swing of school, work, home, repeat! 

Trying to get a picture of these two is like impossible! 

 Jordan's face here cracks me up! 

 My snuggle bug! 
I went up to bed Sunday night to find this...I had the bedside light on so I can see when I'm walking Jordan up to his room, Em thought this was a good place to sneak to a lay...little stinker.

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