Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Jordan is doing well. So far each day is a small step forward. To think back to where we were a week ago to now, it feels like a lot of progress has been made. Jordan continues to go up on his feedings each day, and is tolerating it very well. He is pooping on his own (sorry if this is TMI, but is exciting for us!) which means his digestion is working well (which was a small concern at first). He is back on just a little bit of oxygen, but that should only be for a few more days. Little man is up to 3lbs 4oz, which is great! Everyone is happy with his progress, just taking things nice and slow.

I also wanted to include a pic of a carefree girl. She has been so awesome through all of this. With me being on bed rest, and now Chris and I running back and forth to the hospital, she has been a real trooper. Everyday she asks us how Jordan is doing, and tells us how she can't wait to hold him. She draws him pictures and tell stories about him She is also very caring towards me to make sure I'm feeling better too. I could not be more proud of her.

A lot of people have been asking how my recovery is going. To be honest, I don't even think about it! Which probably means I'm not resting like I should! But I did have my post op appointment today, and my BP is back to normal and c-section site looks good (oh other than being SUPER bruised) so physically I'm fine. This has been a huge emotional roller coaster, and I feel like I'm just starting to get back to my fully functioning self. I cannot tell you how grateful I am to Chris-I never would have gotten through this without him. I really do not like crying in front of people-but have been able to cry with Chris and really process all that is going on, and am so happy to have such a strong partner. I will say that I think that our marriage and relationship has only gotten stronger through all of this, so that is a positive!

Thank you everyone again for thoughts and prayers. We still have a journey ahead, but little man is a fighter!

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