Monday, November 3, 2014

Happy Halloween!

Ok, so we all know that I really only like Halloween because that means that it's almost November 1st, meaning I can listen to Christmas music! Don't even judge, I don't want to hear it! :) We had a fun Halloween, but it was downright cold. Em was supposed to be a monster (appropriate right?) but after wearing the costume earlier in the week she was not having it on actual Halloween. So, she was a cheerleader (Cleveland Browns of course!) wearing a coat. How creative. Oh well, she had fun!

Let's see, what new on the Em front. Em is cute as ever, lots of fun, tons of energy. She loves cooking with mom and dad-anytime we are in the kitchen (even if it is to make toast) she asks for us to "get my stool" so she can be a part of the action. She also is showing such a range of emotions and creativity-her imagination wows me every day. She will have LONG conversations with herself, or her animals. It is very cute. Love this age, and love our little girlie! Oh and in super awesome, you have no idea how good news-she will let us watch a TV show other than Daniel Tiger. Em watches about a half hour of TV each night-and she has ALWAYS wanted Daniel. The last two days she has asked for Mickey Mouse and then Super Why. I'm just so happy to not have Daniel Tiger songs stuck in my head 24x7...

Mommy, Em and Uncle Adam! (yep, that is a chi tea latte with Baileys in my wish you thought of it!)
What a beautiful girl!
haha yep, that about sums up our Sunday with this one!
Sassy millassy with her piggies in!
Daddy and Emmy at BWs trick or treat

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