Thursday, June 21, 2012

My favorite things...

When I was pregnant I always asked moms about their favorite baby products. I thought I'd share mine here! This way I can remember and maybe help some future mommies! 1. The Miracle blanket. Now I'm not one to fall for gimmicks, but this swaddling blanket really works. It is the only one Emma Clare can't break out of! 2. White noise machine. While it is mind numbing to me, it helps keep Emma Clare sleeping! 3.Aden and Anais receiving blankets. They are a little pricey but are light weight and big and so, so soft. You can use them as a nursing cover and stroller cover too (to keep the sun out). I love them! 4.Sooth and glow seahorse. We play this for Emma Clare as part of her nightly routine . She loves it! 5. Diapers. Ok I know this is an obvious one! But I thought I'd share with you my take on brands. I hate the smell of chemicals in diapers. Some of you may be rolling your eyes at me, but I really can't stand it! We are using cloth while at home(bum genius and Econobum) and it is going well. I did not use cloth for the first few months(too much to adjust to) and we used 7th generation and earths best diapers. With coupons and promotions I was able to get them at for 13 cents a diaper, which is a good deal! Cheaper than Huggies! I've also tried the target brand diapers, and the didn't smell too bad so I may use these in the future for daycare. There are lots of other products I like, but that is my top five must haves! You'll notice that most of them have to do with sleeping...we take sleep seriously in this house! Emma Clare has been sleeping through the night since she was 3 weeks old(at 6hours) and now sleeps 9-10 hours a night. I know a lot of it is luck, but I think some of these products help too!

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