Thursday, April 5, 2012

Emma Clare has Arrived!

We would like to welcome ms Emma Clare into the world. What a journey! After starting the induction process at 5pm on Sunday, i started have regular contractions around 7am monday morning. However even upping pitocin to 30 (the usually will not go over 20) and having my water broken and trying lots of different positioning techniques (imagine very strong contractions every 2mins and being on your hands and knees with your booty in the air...that wasnt even the worst one) Emma Clare refused to move into position. She was sunny side up aand on a weird angle. So after her heart rate started dropping and my bp we decided on a c section. My doctor was wonderful as were the nurses in labor and delivery and put me at ease as much as possible. So at 6:42 pm Emma Clare was born weighing 8pounds 19 1/2 inches long. We are all doing well and I will update more soon. All i can say is we are completly in love.


  1. So precious!! I wish Chris wasn't wearing that mask so I could see his smile! I'm so excited for you guys and I hope you are recovering from that long labor! Can't wait to meet her!! :)


Keep busy! Soccer games, Jordan's birthday party, fundraisers, build a bear, playgrounds. This time of year seems to be the busiest with...