Monday, November 16, 2015

Oh, Baby!

We are excited to announce that we are expecting! A new baby Mullen will be entering the world June 2016! We are beyond excited! I started writing the below blog entry right when we found out, but did not want to make anything "public" until we had a good first report from the doctor (which we did!). I'll be waiting until our 12 week appointment to post anything on Facebook-but figured the few "followers" we had mostly know already! So, feel free to read my rants below if you wish! We appreciate lots of good vibes and prayers for a healthy pregnancy and baby! 

Ok, won't be posting this one for a little while, but figured I'd get started on documenting things now! On October 14 took a pregnancy test and guess what, positive!  I'm still feeling pretty good (as of 10/14), just some food aversions. I hate the waiting game now though, we won't have our first appointment until November 12th. So until then, just eat healthy and pray that all is well and healthy!

We've told a small number of people, but after we have a good dr. appointment in November, we'll share with more people. I think we'll wait until Thanksgiving to make the official announcement. What a great thing to be thankful for!

I've already started a secret pintrest board and thinking of all the things to buy baby! So happy!

BFP test! That sucker turned in less then 30 seconds!

10/17/15 Lou's protecting the new baby! 

Couldn't resist these cute onzies at the resale store! Only $.99 each! 

Had one more test so figured today was the day! Still makes me smile! 

Waiting for the first doctor appointment is hard! Still feeling pretty good (although tired, I'm luck if I see 9pm most nights!). We have already started buying some stuff for baby (I know it is early, but I've gotten great deals!). We got a NEW crib for $65, and a used swing and bouncer seat for $5 each (still in great condition). We had borrowed a lot of stuff for Em, or donated things between moves, so we are starting over a bit! Trying to be a frugal as possible! Just over 2 weeks until we get to see this baby! Cannot wait! 

Started listening to Christmas music! Made me so excited that NEXT Christmas we'll have a 6 month old! How crazy! Still feeling pretty good, just tired, some nausea and food aversions. But overall, pretty darn good considering! I can't believe I still have to wait over a week for our first appointment! Time is moving slowly for sure!  


First appointment! Didn't think this day would ever come! We have a healthy baby! Heartrate 146 and everything is on track! So in love already! Morning sickness (mine is actually at night) is in full swing! Most nights I'm going to bed around 8 (when Em does) and just not feeling great. Good news is during the day I'm fine! Hoping that all starts letting up as I get closer to the second trimester.

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