Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Mom! How's a girl supposed to crawl?

I'm in full bloom!

 You have to be kidding me!
Happy Halloween! Emma Clare was a flower...although our friend's son thought she was an eggplant (cutest darn eggplant I've ever seen!) We went trick or treating with our friends, meaning we used Emma Clare as an excellent excuse to get candy. Don't worry, we only took candy from a few houses...
In other news, EC had her first week in her new classroom at daycare. She is no the youngest in her class room (by nearly two months!). I'd love to say she is also the smallest, but that simply is not true. She is doing really well in her new classroom, and is learning a lot! Her crawling is improving (she is getting FAST) and she has started pulling up! I'm totally not ready for her to start walking, so don't even mention it!
Oh, and good thing she is so darn cute because Emma Clare has forgotten that she is supposed to sleep at night. I'm guessing this is due to the 4 teeth she recently got, and it looks like we have a few more coming in! She has been sleeping 8pm-1am then getting up for a bottle and sleeping until around 5 or 5:30 and sometimes I can get her to go back down after that. You would think this would mean more naps during the day, no way José! At least she is not a crab because of it, but momma and daddy are sleepy!
Have a great Thursday!

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