Monday, July 9, 2012

Happy (LATE) 4th!

Happy 4th of July! Ok, the post is a little late, but I'm busy with a 3 month old! Wow, three, months, where has the time gone! As you can see, Emma Clare loves to swing. And yes, she is totally dressed like a boy in her fourth of July outfit, but she did have a very cute dress that she decided to pee on and so outfit number two had to come out (this might have been outfit number 3..the girl spits up a lot too...)

We are having lots of fun and enjoying the summer (and time off with Daddy!). It has been hot, hot, hot! Emma Clare went swimming for the first time this weekend! Other than that, we've been spending a lot of time inside! She is smiling a ton, and just started laugh. Her laugh is so funny!

In other news, our baby girl is BIG! We went to the doctor because we thought Emma Clare had a rash, turned out to be eczema. We did not get a height measurement, but she is 15.8 pounds. She looks like she grew a few inches too, so we'll see at the 4 month check up!

And, just so I remember when I look back years from now, here is what Emma Clare's schedule currently looks like:

8am-9am: wake up and eat a bottle (6oz)

9am-10am: play time! Loves to play with her bug toy and swing

10am-12pm: nap

12pm-1pm: bottle (6oz)

1pm-2:30: outing with daddy (usually home depot or target)

2:30-3:30: nap

3:30: Bottle (6oz)

4:30-5:00: play time

5:00-6:30: nap

6:30-7:00: play time

7:00: bottle (6oz)

7:00-9:00: play time with a nap mixed in every now and then

9:00: tummy time, bath and bottle (6oz)

10:00 bed time

We have some variety with this schedule, but this is basically how it works each day. As you can see, our baby girl loves sleep! We have her sleeping (through the night!!) in her crib, and we are try to transition to the crib for naps, especially her longer ones in the morning and afternoon.

Ok! That was a long update!! We have lots of people coming to visit in the next few weeks! Can't wait!

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